umetnik v rezidenci / artist in residence: LIONEL LOUEKE
Mathieu Bitton

umetnik v rezidenci / artist in residence: LIONEL LOUEKE

Letošnji umetnik v rezidenci delavnice in festivala Jazzinty 2022 je Lionel Loueke, eden najbolj priznanih kitaristov našega časa, redni član zasedbe legendarnega Herbieja Hancocka, svetovno znan skladatelj in pedagog.
Umetnik v rezidenci nam bo letos predstavil svoj pogled na življenje v glasbi - afriške korenine, pot v jazz glasbo, sodelovanje z legendarnim Herbiejem Hancockom in edinstveno solo koncertiranje.

Lionel Loueke je član zasedbe Herbie Hancocka, z Grammyjem nagrajene zasedbe. Je prejemnik številnih nagrad in nazivov: Downbeat magazine, Jazz Journalist Association, ter sodeluje s številnimi vodilnimi jazz glasbeniki na svetu (Chick Corea, Charlie Haden, Esperanza Spalding, Gretchen Parlato). Je tudi priznan pedagog in vsakoletni mentor prestižnega programa Focus Year ter profesor na fakulteti Jazzcampus v švicarskem Baslu.

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We proudly present the Jazzinty 2022 artist in residence, Lionel Loueke, one of the most acclaimed guitar players of our time, a member of the legendary Herbie Hancock group, a world-known composer and a teacher. This year’s artist in residence will present his view on life with music and take us on a journey from his African roots, his path to jazz music, collaboration with the legendary Herbie Hancock and his unique solo performing.

Lionel Loueke is a member of the Herbie Hancock group, a Grammy-winning ensemble. He is a recipient of numerous awards, such as Downbeat magazine, Jazz Journalist Association and has recorded and played with many legendary and prolific jazz musicians in the world (Chich Corea, Charlie Haden, Esperanza Spalding, Gretchen Parlato). He is an acclaimed teacher and a permanent faculty member of the prestigious Focus Year programme at the Jazzcampus University  in Basel, Switzerland.

Več / more: https://www.lionelloueke.com/

V sodelovanju z Jazzcampus Basel. / In cooperation with Jazzcampus Basel. 

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